The wind in my sweaty brown hair felt superb on the burning hot July afternoon. “Clang!” I heard that noise and saw a small dent in the shell and thought “ What just happened?” My momentum declined and my pedals were baggy and floppy. That’s the day I learned to mend a bike chain all by myself.
Earlier that day I was breezing down my road because my A/C was barely working. The heat was rising to 110 degrees and my pool offered no relief. I glanced over at my friend’s house wondering if his A/C was working when I heard the sound.
“What is that noise?” I asked myself. My pedals were rolling, but I was in a stand-still. I figured out I should just trudge home and see what had happened to cause this. Walking into my scorching hot garage, I checked all the possibilities. I inspected whether the wheel was flat, my handle was inverted, or my pedal had broken. None of these were the problem. I started to push the pedal only to see the bright chrome chain jingling against the wheel. I tried to put it back where it belonged only to find it bounce off like an air-tight spring.
I was tired and didn’t want to deal with a problem that I didn’t know how to solve. I tried to hammer the chain on, screw it back on. I was about to tape it on until I realised that it couldn’t move thus making my problem worse. I couldn’t think of anything that could put this tiny escape artist back on track.
When all seemed hopeless, I thought about calling for my dad to help me. Instead, I clutched a wrench in my sweaty palm and started to tinker with the chain. That’s when I saw the answer to this riddle. I was able to hook it back on the bike because of the tiny poke from it fracturing.
When I decided to come, in I was comforted by a blanket of cool air known as air conditioning. I was glad that this had happened to me now, so that when it happens again I’ll be ready. I learned that attempting something new can lead you to failure or success; it all depends on how hard you try.
Category Archives: Language Arts
Time of Our Lives
“Welcome to Disney World children! What park do you fancy to go to?” asked the bus driver. “Epcot!Epcot!Epcot!” chanted the children. “Epcot it is! You can learn so much from just a single park such as culture and several subjects!
Culture is one of the many subjects represented in Epcot. As a bus driver, I’ve heard many people talking about their day in the park. They say ‘Oh dear, that is just like the real thing with all of their traditions!’. Now, if you don’t know about countries traditions and want to understand them then listen up! Epcot has many rides and shows that will help you. Nonetheless, there is many food that comes straight from that country! A word to the wise to have Moroccan food than go straight to Mexico. You’ll blow up a lavatory.
You can also learn subjects from plenty of rides. My personal favorite subject is science, so let’s talk about that. Just consider you can study about underwater mammals and fish at the Living Seas. You can see Clownfish, Stingrays, Sharks, even Manatees. However, if you’re more into weather and air patterns then head to Soarin’. You can see how weather is different in different climates and see how it would effect you in your hanglider. Another big attraction is Spaceship Earth. It shows how science has changed from Ancient Egypt to modern day. That’s not all the subjects though! There is also m- Hey You! Sit Down!
Here we are! Epcot. Have fun and remember all of the facts I have told you! But that’s not all of them! There is more than just culture and science represented in Epcot! Go find some more facts for yourself!
Where did it go?-A Spring Break poem
Lay in bed
Watching videos
Rain wouldn’t go away
Had some sleepovers
Mainly sat
At home
Did nothing
But I still owned
Go to sleep at 1:30 AM
Wake up
Lay in bed
Watching videos
Wash rinse repeat
Mom walks in
“Go away”
“You have to go to school”
Where did it go?
Snow Day
you wake up
look outside!
there’s snow on the ground
let’s go ride
you fasten your jacket
put on your hat
go to your friends house
that’s where it’s at
go to their gate
snowballs at the ready
there they are
take aim steady
hop over the fence
go to play
running around
your friend shouts “Hey!”
got hit in the face
on your back
he laughs
you got racked
you hop up
get some more
throw it so hard
he gets floored
I’m covered in snow
I look like a cloud
it’ll get into my house
my mom won’t be very proud
the day’s ending
it was so much fun
it was so long
you don’t want it to be done
That one There
God created father and mother for different purposes. My father was created especially for me. I He stands me when I don’t eat my vegetables or play video games to long. When he comes home from work he’s happy to see us even if he’s had a bad day. He’s a key part of my family I couldn’t live without. My dad’s very admirable. He will be there for you. You can tell him everything because he’s trustworthy.
My dad has always been there for me. For years I’ve signed up for baseball with him as my coach. Meanwhile he helps me with homework when I need it because I’m getting frustrated. Now when I broke my arm trying to rock-climb a dresser, he was the first at the ER. He’s just always been there for me, and I hope nothing changes between that.
Trustworthiness is a great trait to have, especially for a father. Of course, he knows my secrets well because I trust he won’t tell anyone. When something bothers me I go to him to cry on and tell everything that’s happened. So, everybody in my family trusts him to be a leader. He is one of the most trustworthy dads in the world.
Everyday I thank God for what padre he has given me. I don’t know what I would do if my dad wasn’t the same. Everytime he walks into that door from work, I’m gonna give him a great, big, bear-hug. I couldn’t have gotten a better dad if I asked for it. He’ll stay by your side to make sure you’re okay. Trustworthiness makes him a perfect and admirable dad.
Retreat for Life
When I opened the card I dropped it in fright. I had been invited to Sean’s birthday party. I was afraid, afraid of being shot. I had no camouflage clothes or airsoft gun. If not for my friends, I wouldn’t have gone.
We were the runners, and that meant we got to find base first. We had two minutes to find and set up camp. We found a small island with tree trunks fallen over for protection. It was perfect.
Once the two minutes were up, the race was on. The other team had split up from the start. One person on the other team spotted me and it was open-fire. I zoomed past my teammates yelling “RETREAT!” I dropped my gun when I stepped in a ditch. I figured my team was dead, since we were playing no captive rules. I didn’t know these woods at all, while the other team came here all the time. I could only keep running. I kept running, and was out of breath, so I needed to stop. I leaped into the trees to take a breather. The other team didn’t see me. I hopped out and ran the other direction. They heard my ruckus and started to follow me.
I couldn’t hold in much longer. It was do or die time. I needed a plan on short notice. They stopped for water on the other side. If I had my gun, I would have ambushed them.
That when I found it. My teammate’s gun on the ground. I could hear their footsteps behind me. I started to run, but was out of breath and died. I learned that you can conquer you fears when you set your mind to it.
Knots on a counting rope
Should Every Kid Get a Trophy?
I think every kid should get a trophy because the kids that aren’t as good at sports don’t feel rewarded if their trying their hardest and it isn’t going well. If they reawrd kids for trying their hardest they feel apreciated and keep coming back. If they don’t get rewarded then they feel like their unapreciated and don’t come back making them unathletic.